
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hop to the Top Behavior Plan

I am excited to be starting a new behavior system in my classroom.  I am starting my tenth year teaching and ready for some fresher ideas.  The past 8 years I have used a frog behavior system, but I am switiching it up a bit copying the clipchart behavior plan. There will be 8 different colored magnetic lily pads on my dry erase board. All the frogs will start out on the green lily pad (ready to learn).  I think positive behavior should be recognized just as much if not more than negative behavior.  So, students will have the chance to hop up to the blue lily pad (Good Job!), the purple lily pad (Great Job!!), and the gold lily pad (outstanding!!!).  Students that are not making good chocies in the classroom will hop their frog to yellow (slow down), orange (think about it), and red (parent contact).  Below you can find my behavior plan that i give out to the parents at the beginning of the year.  I have also added my titles for the color lily pads.

Click Here for my Behavior Plan

Click Here for Hop to the Top Title

Click Here for top lily pad titles

Click Here for bottom lily pad titles

I would love to hear about your behavior plans! :-)


  1. When I saw your post for a frog behavior plan I was like... me too! This year was my first year in kindergarten and I used a frog behavior plan from an idea I found online. Basically the students all began the day on the happy face frog and throughout the day if they weren't listening they moved down to the thinking frog and usually lost some minutes off their recess. And if they were having a really hard time listening they would move to the sad face frog and would lose all of their recess. I had a few of those. But I have been "shopping" around to find a new behavior plan for next year because I felt that those students who always followed the rules were never rewarded unless it was by me telling them so or getting to do teacher helper things. This year my plan is to reward my students for their good behavior and try hard not to focus on the negative. And next year I know that when I find that something isn't working I should abandon it and get something else in place. Thanks for sharing your plan... I have an idea now to combine the frogs with the clip chart plan. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I'm still considering my plan, approach, and theme. Last year, I used magnetic stars. Everyone started out in the highest sky on the wall and would move their star down after being warned. The stars could go back up, too! I tracked this with down and up arrows on the behavior forms in the folders. If a star stayed in the sky all day, the child received a happy face on the behavior form.

    This year, I want to reward good behavior in a more immediate way. You've given me more things to consider! :-)


  3. Thank you for sharing! I am in the process of thinking about my behavior system for this year. I have always used the traditional stop light system, but I am debating changing to something like the clip chart. I have a frog theme in my classroom too and would love to know what font you typed these documents in with the cute frogs. If you could please email me with the font name I would really appreciate it.

    Kari :)


  4. I love the behavior plan! Thank you so much for sharing it! I've just become a new follower and I'm so excited! If you’re interested, I’ve just moved my blog and am having a HUGE moving sale!!! Everything {and I mean EVERYTHING from lesson plans to clipart} are FREE until January 1st. Come check it out! My blog is: theartofteachingintodaysworld.blogspot.com
    I can’t wait to see you there!
    Love, Bri
